Melinda Brasher spends her time traveling to real and fictional places. You can often find her teaching English abroad, but now she's in the US working as a book wizard (aka librarian), sharing the magic of stories with kids of all ages. Her talents include navigating by old-fashioned map, mashing multiple languages together in foreign train stations, and dealing cards really fast.
She has short fiction published in Deep Magic, Pseudopod, Leading Edge, Intergalactic Medicine Show, Twenty-Two Twenty-Eight, On the Premises, Timeless Tales, Fairy Tale Magazine, The Future Fire, THEMA, Ember, Nous, Ellipsis Literature and Art, and others, some of which you can read free online. See the Short Stories tab.
She is also the author of a YA fantasy novel, Far-Knowing, a companion short story, Chaos Rises, and Leaving Home, an anthology of flash fiction, short stories, and travel essays.

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