This story takes place in the Czech Republic. When I lived there, the stories and imagery of the Vodník (often translated as "water goblin") fascinated me. So here's my own take on the famous creature:
Vodník, by Melinda Brasher

This picture is a vodník statue in České Třebová. Image courtesy of ŠJů, Wikimedia Commons, creative commons license 3.0.,_vodn%C3%ADk_%2801%29.jpg
All over the Czech republic you can find vodník statues around ponds and mills. The creature is also popular in folk art, like that of Josef Lada (google "vodnik lada").
Mine's a darker take on the sometime-playful water goblin. For a really dark take, read about the poem by Karel Jaromír Erben:
Dvořák also wrote music to accompany the tale. You can find it on Youtube ("Dvorak Water Goblin")